Wire and cable drums – Solid (reusable)
Top and bottom band
The bottom band of galvanised steel provides a positive connection between the outer cylinder’s jacket and the bottom. The top band lends the body stability. What type of top metal band is used and how it is connected to the body of the drum depends on the drum’s contents and how it is handled. We distinguish between four variants.Standard drum version NTR
Wire drum version DT
Special drum version STR type I
Special drum version STR type II
Every drum comes with a lid, no matter whether plastic, plywood, MDF, or metal.MDF lid
PP lid
Plywood lid
Steel sheet lid, galvanised
The bottom structure depends on the application and the drum diameter.Compact solid formed bottom
Solid formed bottom ring
Wooden bottom with feet
MDF or plywood bottom
Plywood bottom with spigot